Dr Diahanne Rhiney

Dr Diahanne Rhiney

Dr Diahanne Rhiney

Diahanne Rhiney

United Kingdom, United Kingdom

Dr Diahanne Rhiney

Diahanne Rhiney

United Kingdom, United Kingdom

Diahanne is a domestic abuse survivor who narrowly escaped her life. She successfully overcame adversity by rebuilding her emotional and psychological well-being, establishing networking platforms, hosting motivational workshops, and creating charitable foundations that inspire self-empowerment, celebrate accomplishments, and motivate women to believe in themselves. Her resilience and determination make her an inspirational role model. Over the years, Diahanne, an accredited keynote speaker, initiated and led impactful projects aimed at providing education and economic empowerment to marginalised women. She has created safe spaces for women to connect, learn, and flourish, offering mentorship, funding, and resources to women-led startups, increasing their odds of sustainable success. Her high-impact events and workshops have cultivated a sense of community and driven positive change in participants' lives. Diahanne founded Naked Truth, the first social change PR agency in the UK, challenging barriers to equality, diversity, and inclusion. Her Strength With In Me Foundation Charity supports domestic abuse survivors and their families through campaigns and workshops. She also established the Baton Awards, celebrating female achievers, pioneers, and innovators globally. Through digital media, grassroots activism, and community events, Diahanne champions a single cause: supporting women. Her journey from survivor to advocate is an inspiration to all.