Fehintola Kolawole

Fehintola  Kolawole

Fehintola Kolawole

Community Barnet

Head of Wellbeing, United Kingdom

Fehintola Kolawole

Community Barnet

Head of Wellbeing, United Kingdom

Fehintola Kolawole is currently the Head of Wellbeing at CB Plus, a community Development and infrastructure organisation based in North London. She oversees the health and Wellbeing Projects the organisation delivers, which include the Barnet Wellbeing Service a locality-based safe, welcoming facility for people to access community-based interventions and services, and Enfield Connections an information and Advice Service for residents in North London. She holds a Master of Philosophy degree in Nutrition and has over 15 years of experience as a Public Health Nutritionist delivering Public Health interventions to minoritized communities within greater London. She is also a certified Prince 2 practitioner.