Hanan Yagoubi

Hanan Yagoubi

Hanan Yagoubi


Gouda, Netherland

Hanan Yagoubi


Gouda, Netherland

As a Dutch woman with Moroccan roots, I know better than anyone how our SDGs should be intertwined in our society around the world. From the largest trade union in the Netherlands, I have been able to experience a lot (inter)nationally in the field of development, innovation and society. I am therefore very proud that we have started a project to contribute together in achieving all the goals of the SDGs. No goal stands alone, and by connecting each path by strengthening each other, we will achieve each goal together. I'm convinced of that! It's not just the question of how we achieve that, because I've been able to meet many beautiful involved brothers and sisters from all over the world. It is especially important that we all keep in mind 1 important aspect: we can’t wait any longer. Let’s cooperate, unite and collect our knowledge.