Indira Kennedy

Indira Kennedy

Indira Kennedy

Conscious Leadership Australia

Director, United Kingdom

Indira Kennedy

Conscious Leadership Australia

Director, United Kingdom

Indira is a pioneer of ‘conscious leadership’. Since 2003 she has been actively inspiring people globally with her passion and practical knowledge of ways to elevate our own consciousness, and how to apply these principles for more awakened empowerment of people and purpose in the workplace. She has continued to demonstrate how effective and productive we can be while being compassionate and loving as leaders. As a highly intuitive healer and coach, Indira brings a deep understanding of the energetic laws at play and how we can fulfil our destiny when we tap into the realms of Consciousness itself. Indira has created and delivered numerous programs and coached business people in various fields such as politics, finance, not-for-profits, health, elite sport and IT, from C-suite to management to new graduates. Indira has published a book for women on creating a meaningful spiritual life and is releasing two new books on Conscious leadership this year. For decades she has served women through her community projects, speaking, and voluntary service. We all have the ability to lead from the heart’s wisdom when we lead ourselves consciously and allow the innate power within each of us to shine forth strongly and with integrity.