Johann Muldoon

Johann Muldoon

Johann Muldoon

Manor architects

Managing director, United Kingdom

Johann Muldoon

Manor architects

Managing director, United Kingdom

Johann Muldoon MBE In any industry there are individuals that stand out from their peers and set standards that others in their field aspire to achieve. Managing director, and multi award winning architect and conservation specialist Johann Muldoon certainly meets these criteria. Leading the way across the UK, Ireland and having delivered projects as far flung as New Zealand and the USA, Johann has made history at every stage of her career both academically and professionally. She is a lecturer, tutor, keynote speaker, an architectural judge, on the parliamentary review panel, was awarded the Best Woman Architect in Europe and Stem Rising Star Regional Winner to name a few. She is the most awarded female architect on the globe and what makes her accomplishments all the more impressive is that she a woman in an often-male dominated industry. For anybody that has worked with Johann it will come as no surprise to learn that she was the first woman architect in Ireland to receive and MBE for her contribution to architecture and business. Her achievements are an inspiration to women everywhere, empowering women to break through the barriers they sometimes face and achieve their true potential. Ends