Lorena Lisette Valdivia Chavez

Lorena Lisette Valdivia Chavez

Lorena Lisette Valdivia Chavez


Gerente, PerĂº

Lorena Lisette Valdivia Chavez


Gerente, PerĂº

Lorena Valdivia Chávez is the representative of the VIONDES SAC brand, recognized by the state as Bicentennial Entrepreneur and also as the best meat company in the region of Arequipa, Peru. She is the eldest of four children and her father passed away when she was only 11 years old, which caused a significant change in her life. Lorena lived with her grandmother and then her mother, and learned from them the importance of education and self-sufficiency. However, due to the lack of family stability, her emotional development was affected. Despite not having financial support from her family, Lorena always aspired to become a professional and applied to study Social Work in order to contribute to society. During her university studies, she entered a relationship where she suffered physical and psychological violence, leading her to experience deep depression. Realizing her life was at risk, she decided to end the relationship and her paternal grandmother offered her support to overcome the depression. After being unable to find work in her field of study, she decided to start her own meat business. Lorena values every event in her life, as they have made her the person she is today.