Marcelle Susan Buitendam

Marcelle Susan Buitendam

Marcelle Susan Buitendam


National Director FNV Public Interest, Netherland

Marcelle Susan Buitendam


National Director FNV Public Interest, Netherland

Passionate negotiator in the world of water and electricity. Good advisory skills, strategic insight and analytical. Own style in connecting (groups of) people local and (inter-)national. Sees, hears and thinks. Takes on and on with a high range. Great sense of responsibility and visible. Humor and perspective. Smart worker with impact, student fanatic and happy mother of two sons aged 16 and 19. Accessible politician who is not easily driven mad. Fine-tuned political and environmental sensitivity. Action, result and global goal oriented, reasonably competitive, largely stress-resistant and very resilient, problem solver, moral compass- especially for global climat goals. Goes for safety and also transfers that to people. Socially broadly oriented. Motivator, brings out talents of people. Values integrity, security and resilience. Advocate of a down-to-earth and pragmatic (climate) policy. Ambassador for the organization. Motto: loyal on the outside, brutal on the inside!