Neha Satheesan

Neha Satheesan

Neha Satheesan

Impresario Global

Chief of Staff, India

Neha Satheesan

Impresario Global

Chief of Staff, India

I put nature at the heart of all my choices. My journey in environmental sustainability has taught me to break down patterns in human behaviours and actions - to inspire, encourage, enable sustainable lifestyles. My experiences and learnings have led me to believe in the power of social capital. As I explore what motivates people - define, question, shape and flip the narrative, I am curious about how social capital can become social economy. Today I am part of a team of Civic Empaths, ushering in a disruptive framework that will facilitate a society that's both humane and purpose-driven. In a world of specialists, I am a generalist who segues into the specialist needed at that moment. I seek to be, to do and to thrive, through my actions.