Precious Ozemoya

Precious Ozemoya

Precious Ozemoya


International Development Expert, United Kingdom

Precious Ozemoya


International Development Expert, United Kingdom

Precious ozemoya is an International Development Expert whose mission is to make the world a better place than she met it. She is a ONE Campaign United Kingdom Youth Ambassador. In 2022, she served as the Directorate of Education and Cultural Exchange of the African Network of Youth Policy Experts (AFRINYPE). She was a Judge for The Queens Commonwealth Essay Competition from 2020 to 2022. She was a Global School Advocate for the United Nations (UN) Sustainable Development Solutions Network (SDSN) in 2019. Also, she was a Coordinator for the Commonwealth Young Women Mentorship Program, an initiative of the Commonwealth Youth Council in 2019. Precious is a Safe Sister Fellow, Civic Hive Fellow and Young African Leaders Initiative Fellow. She is a recipient of the following awards: the Commonwealth Shared Scholarship Award, the Most Influential Leaders Award by She Leaps University, the National Youth Service Corps (NYSC) Merit Award, Ogun State, Nigeria and the Eippy Award for Coauthoring the International Best Selling Book – How big can you dream.