Veronica Rechere

Veronica Rechere

Veronica Rechere


Director, United Kingdom

Veronica Rechere


Director, United Kingdom

DIRECTOR OF VERSATELIER LIMITED (HERBAL TISANES - FRUIT INFUSIONS & TRUE TEAS) G100 UK COUNTRY CHAIR - CIRCULAR ECONOMY Researcher, Youth Worker, Post-graduate, Assessor, IQA in life skills; has provided me with a strong foundation in education, and mentorship. 40 years of experience has played a significant role in my growth and journey into the world of teaching and learning about herbs and benefits for well-being. Teaching theory and practice has equipped me with valuable pedagogical skills, enabling me to teach topics effectively. Whether it be the benefits of herbal tisanes, the principles of the circular economy, or permaculture practices. The holistic approach to personal development is key as this aligns with the holistic thinking which enable people to be encouraged to consider the broader environmental and societal contexts. The link between everyday practices includes lessons on responsible and sustainable living and how it impacts lives. This can lead naturally to an interest in permaculture and circular economy principles, which aim to create more sustainable and regenerative systems. The commitment to lifelong learning, focussing on practical applications, and an emphasis on personal and societal well-being. It is a valuable foundation that enriches my ability to educate and inspire others.