Viktoria Korzhak

Viktoria Korzhak

Viktoria Korzhak

Baranovichi State University

junior research assistant, Belarus

Viktoria Korzhak

Baranovichi State University

junior research assistant, Belarus

I'm 33 year old and I have 3 children. We have a lot of time together without interruption from my main activity. I promote projects, events in social networks, organize online and offline meetings, consult on marketing and sales, online promotion and strategic planning. I successfully defended my master's thesis on the topic "Commercialization of intellectual property", I research the issues of assessing and managing the intellectual capital of organizations, the problems of higher and additional business education, financial and digital literacy of children, including 7-16 years old in graduate school. And it generally expands my experience in sales and marketing. I write articles and books on the topic “Evaluation and management of intellectual capital”, education of children and adolescents in order to form financial and digital literacy of the younger generation. Since 2017 I've been organizing creative and business meetings for children and entrepreneurs. I conduct trainings on marketing and sales, developed my own 2-month course "SALES" (which is taught mainly to a female audience), advise and accompany entrepreneurs to achieve financial goals in projects. Organized in the summer of 2022 business camp for children aged 6-12, where taught to draw digital illustrations, create a business from any idea and understand what blockchain, cryptocurrency and the metaverse are. Also created the annual SBCD (socil/business/community/digital) digital and financial literacy course, which teaches children how to competently manage and use social networks, understand what running a business is, speak in public and overcome fear in front of an audience and understand the work of artificial intelligence.