Yvonne Bignall

Yvonne Bignall

Yvonne Bignall

YvonneB Limited

Self-Care Catalyst For Change, United Kingdom

Yvonne Bignall

YvonneB Limited

Self-Care Catalyst For Change, United Kingdom

A catalyst for change, Yvonne Bignall is a breath of fresh air in the extraordinary way she helps women 50+ to reconnect with life through radical and genuine self-care. Yvonne has spent a lifetime in and around the world of health & fitness in her career, as a fitness figure competitor, in business, and as a pastime. A self-care warrior, an encourager & inspirer, Yvonne is today an award-winning Women’s Health Advocate, Published Author, an International Presenter and UK Country Chair for G100 Healthcare & Wellness Wing. She supports, encourages, and inspires women to prioritise their health, one bitesize action at a time. She explores the thoughts, behaviours & habits, often born out of guilt, gender expectations, and reinforced narratives, with curiosity (not judgment), discarding the unhelpful, whilst reclaiming innate power through the creation of new patterns, restoring a sense of self, outside of societal expectations and tapping into the inbuilt resources that restore wellbeing. This, in her opinion, allows women to develop a sense of self-awareness, confidence & self-belief so that they can value all of who they are and invest time in who they want to be at their best.